NASHVILLE,Tenn. – The Nashville Sports Council and its Women in Sports Initiative on Thursday unveiled a logo commemorating the 50thAnniversary of Title IX.
Title IX is a federal civil rights law that was passedas part of the Education Amendments of 1972. It prohibits sex-baseddiscrimination in any school or other education program that receives federalmoney.
Though 2022 will officially mark 50 years of thislandmark legislation, the Women in Sports Initiative plans a yearlongcelebration highlighting achievements of women’s athletics.
“We’re grateful for the work of our Women in Sportscommittee in highlighting the importance of this anniversary,” Scott Ramsey, Presidentand CEO of the Nashville Sports Council, said. “We look forward to spotlightingTitle IX’s local impact over the next year of events.”
The logo and collateral will be featured at numeroussporting events throughout the region, starting with this weekend’s LUV Invitevolleyball tournament (Sept. 2-5) at Lipscomb.
“The Nashville Sports Council and Women in Sports committeeis honored to embark on the opportunity to acknowledge the significance,recognize the accomplishments and celebrate the 50th anniversary of thehistoric civil rights law,” Sheila Gibson, chair of the Sports Council’s Womenin Sports committee, said.
The committee will also host the 3rd AnnualNashville Tip-Off Breakfast at Wellspire on Oct. 5. The breakfast is free, opento the public and will feature a panel of head women’s basketball coaches fromTennessee State, Middle Tennessee, Vanderbilt, Belmont, Austin Peay andLipscomb universities.
For more information on that event and more on the 50thAnniversary of Title IX, visit Nashville Sports.com.